Well, being a bit of a technophobe, even though I work in IT, I have no idea how to accomplish the task I have set myself. Sometime in the future, I would like to make my blog, use RSS. I have myself an RSS reader, and have subscribed to various sites, and this works great. I would like to open this feature up to my readership, such that you can subscribe to my RSS feeds, but have no idea whats required, or how to do it. I have reviewed a couple of sites around this topic, and boy I just get so confused.
Anybody have any ideas or point me at some links that explain this in plain simple noddy English !
A confused Essex Girl !
You already have a feed, I know because I'm subscribed to it.
It's in Atom format, which is similar-but-different from RSS. It's the standard that Blogger settled on for feeds.
The address for the feed, if you want to provide a link, is
If you really want to provide an RSS feed as an alternative, you can use a site like Feedburner, which will convert your Atom feed to RSS. But I wouldn't bother, all good blog readers can read Atom.
Many thanks Becky. I feel like a real blonde know ((no insult meant to any blondes, my wife is a blonde) oh, somebody take that shovel away from me !). I will add the atom link to the site when I get time, but a wee bit busy this weekend in Holland (yum yum)....
and its nice to see I have a follower ! thanks Becky.
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