Saturday, September 17, 2005

Its 3 in the Morning

sounds like a song to me (also a touch of Deja Vous!) Oh well, its now 3am, and I'm awake, yes the IBS has had its revenge, I deliberately had a large quantity of cheese last night, as I love the occassional pizza and cheese on crackers, and have recently had small amounts of cheese with some effect on me, and really needed to nail this one to see if its something I need to avoid, or something I can tollerate, Well, cheese is definately a cause for concern, Not the rolling around the floor sort, but just very bad pains that wake you up, and guess who was in my head when i woke up ?, Katie Melua singing 9 million bicycles. Its a song that I have heard quiet a lot recently, and I find it quite moving and haunting in a strange sort of way. Anyway, I've now taken my pills, so must go back to bed and see if I can sleep the rest of the night,

Hey ho, so thats two of my favorite foods ruled out for sure, (Cheese and Cucumber).

Night, Night, sleep tight etc..

oh bugger, its 5am, and still not gone back to sleep, whoops, its now 7:30am, must get up, so what happened, Dooh, I must have dropped off...... at last. Thank God its the weekend, I can take a slow day, and maybe a sleeping pill tonight to ensure I sleep right through.

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