Thursday, April 14, 2005

Oh what a rollercoaster week

Well its been one hell of a week, but at the 'big house' we are having layoffs, and my boss has been just one casualty. I am hoping I will still be employed by the end of the week.

Sunday after being on some sort of astral plane, more like a rabbit on speed bouncing off the walls on Friday and Saturday, I crashed and burned big time on Sunday, a very emotional day, so for you guys who think it is sissy to cry, let me tell you, it isnt, you get more affection from the misses when you do it.. Monday it was made official about the layoffs at the big house, but we should try and keep focused, and I keep going through the logic of why they shouldn't choose me (basically I have to work six days a week to keep on top of it all) so in some weird way it might be a blessing if they did chop me. But hey ho, somebody has to pay the mortgage.
Tonight, I found out from a good girl friend at work, that the axe has finished falling in our little part of the big house, and that we still have a job, Thank you Lord........ Perhaps normal service can once again resume. and its only Wednesday......

Late last night I got a call from one of the managers at the big house, he told me what my friend had said, so basically, I am still in gainfull employ. Yippie. So lets get out the Bacardi and Coke.

Thursday morning...................... oooooooooooooooooohhhh, well the drink didnt intefere with my IBS, but it hurts the head..... So thats some good news, I can at least survive on Bacardi and coke even if theres not much food in the world I will be able to eat. I had a health check a few weeks ago, and I am supposedly intollerent of more foods than most people. Yeah right.... a lot of the stuff on the list, I never eat as its disgusting......Who eats olives I ask !!!!!!


Anonymous said...

hey listen folks you think he's had a hard time, this is the missus and it's bin hell twice over.
The stress is double in this case cos I have him and the alter ego to support. Oh god help us!!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

nice blog, good luck with it...

Little Miss said...

Thanks Olive. I just hope I can stick with it, and not loose interest.