On Tuesday evening, I rushed home from work and got all dressed up, I shaved my legs, applied bright red lipstick, blue eye liner, blue eye shadow, Red basque, Blue mini skirt, Blue high heels, black hold ups. then added some long dangly black diamonty earrings, 4 large fake rings, large silver bangles, crystal neck choker and I'm ready. Linda's sister was already here, then her friend from work turned up and didnt know what to make of the sight in front of her. Anyway we drove to Milton Keynes, and found our places in the theatre. A great show, never seen anything like it before. At the interval, I walked my best walk to the ice cream seller. Her friend said she had to look twice as I had great legs. On the way home, I was running low on fuel, so stopped at Tesco's to fill up. I got cat calls from three young lads in their car, they loved it, but one youngish girl (possibly late teens, early 20's) was totally gob smacked, she didnt know what to do or where to look, her chin was almost on the floor. Well, I was just so happy to be 'out' and proud, yet not many knew it.